Suppose that the volume of each bucket is 10 liters or 0.01 cubic meters. Then, to fill 1 trillion buckets, 10 billion cubic meters or 10 cubic kilometers of water will be required.
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According to scientists, Earth contains more than 326 million trillion g allons of water. That is, 1 trillion buckets is only 1/138,599,905 part of the water resources of our entire planet. The Sun is able to accommodate about 1,300,000 planets with the volume of the Earth.
Therefore, the amount of water that we are talking about here is a tiny drop for such a gigantic object as the Sun. For comparison, the volume of Lake Baikal, the largest freshwater reservoir on our planet, is 23,615 cubic kilometers, or 2,361.5 trillion ten-liter buckets.
All 10 cubic kilometers, in case of contact with the surface of the Sun, are instantly ionized, forming hydrogen and oxygen.
Even if you take 10 trillion or 100 trillion buckets of water, the result will remain unchanged.
In addition, all 10 cubic kilometers of water must somehow be delivered to the surface of the Sun.
For carbon, the melting point can be on the order of 4300-4800°C, that is, about 1000-1400°C below the temperature of the earth’s core. A tantalum hafnium carbide (that has the highest melting point among the binary compounds) melts at a temperature above 3800°C.
In turn, on the sun’s surface temperature is 5500°C. However, there are more cold regions, called “dark spots,” and their temperature reaches 3500°C.
That is, theoretically, there are terrestrial materials that can withstand the temperature of the surface of the sun and not melt. But there are at least two significant obstacles.
Around the Sun, there is a field (layers of the atmosphere), which is called the corona. It can often be observed during solar eclipses.
The problem is that the solar crown is much hotter than the surface of the sun. It can heat up to 1,000,000°C and extends over millions of kilometers in space. There are many assumptions about the mechanisms of such a high temperature, but there is no consensus among scientists on this issue.
A container of water from any material known today is guaranteed to evaporate in space before it reaches the sun.
The second obstacle is atmospheric pressure, which on the surface of the Sun is billions of times higher than Earth.